News from the Executive Board 2023 / 1

At its last meeting in 2022, the ETH Zurich Executive Board extended the support measures for persons who had fled Ukraine and approved the tender for SAP services.

Support for Ukraine extended

In March 2022, ETH Zurich took various measures to support students and researchers from Ukraine (see Internal news, 13 April 2022). As a result of this action, 48 people who had fled from Ukraine were hired at ETH Zurich between March and September last year. Eleven of these hires were funded by SNF Grants (external pageScholars at Risk).

Now the Executive Board has decided to extend the financial support for refugees from Ukraine who are already employed at ETH and whose employment is financed by the university until March 2024. Research groups can thus apply to renew existing employment contracts and the corresponding financial support. The SNSF has also extended its funding (external pageScholars at Risk).

For more information, visit ETH Zurich’s Solidarity with Ukraine website.

Tender for SAP services

ETH Zurich maps the majority of its administrative processes on the SAP S/4HANA platform. This SAP solution was continuously enhanced and its technology kept up to date. Moreover, ETH integrated its own peripheral systems, expanded university-relevant aspects and optimised standard solutions to meet ETH-specific requirements.

To support and supplement CCSAP administrative and project operations, ETH plans to find an external service provider to deliver the best possible assistance within the SAP landscape (processes, application areas and technologies, development) over the period 2023 to 2028. To this end, the Executive Board has commissioned IT Services and CCSAP to issue a public tender for the procurement of such SAP services. The invitation to tender is aimed at a number of external providers.

Regular updates from the Executive Board

The Executive Board of ETH Zurich holds regular meetings every two weeks. This section provides information on the most important decisions taken at these meetings.

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